Content Marketing for Logistics: Does it Work?

See this image?  It’s a choice that our prospects face every day as they look for solutions to problems. Which direction would you take? Which direction would your prospects take?

Content marketing for logistics is based on helping, not selling

Lots of companies want to engage in a sales discussion. But fewer simply offer to help with useful information aimed at solving a common problem.

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Logistics PR Opportunities: Avoid “Pay for Play” Ploys

The email may start out something like this:

“XYZ Logistics has been identified as an innovative logistics provider that we would like to feature in an upcoming issue of INDUSTRY WORLD (I made up this name) – a magazine aimed at CEOs and senior operations executives…”

The email is typically sent to the CEO of

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Choosing a Brand Name: What Not to Do

When choosing a brand name for your logistics service, it may be more useful to understand what NOT to do. A recent trip a New York City gave me some good examples.

I was in Brooklyn for a meeting and needed to travel across the East River to Lower Manhattan. My Brooklyn-based colleague cautioned against

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Marketing Shortcuts and Other Oxymorons

Don’t rely on marketing shortcuts to grow your business. Instead, build a logistics marketing system for the long term.

If you are the P&L owner of a logistics business, the absolute wrong question to be asking about marketing is How do we get leads fast?”

Instead, ask yourself: “How do we become known for those things we do best among the prospects most likely to buy our service?”

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Marketing Measurement for Logistics: What to Show the Boss

Marketing is viewed by executives at logistics business as an expense, not an investment. To change this perception, marketing measurement must focus on sales results, not activities.

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Brother Andrew, a Ruler, and a Wad of Cash

It’s back to school time and all of us have memories of what that feels like.

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Empathetic Marketing: An Interview with Brian Carroll

Brian Carroll Lead Generation for the Complex SaleRecently I had a chance to do a Q&A with my colleague, Brian Carroll, consultant and author of Lead Generation for the Complex Sale. I have followed Brian’s B2B Lead Blog for years and was interested in his latest focus area, empathetic marketing.

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Small World Marketing and the Logistics Industry

small_worldThe world is small, and getting smaller.

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Is Competitive Analysis Worth the Time and Effort?

Is Competitive Analysis Worth the Effort?Have you ever been involved in a logistics industry competitive analysis project? This is often a CEO-driven, or even a board-driven, effort to “see how we stack up” and provide data to make strategic decisions.

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How Can Logistics Businesses Measure Marketing Effectiveness?

Measure Marketing Effectiveness GraphsTo measure marketing effectiveness, there are gobs of metrics you can, and should, use – leads, website traffic and conversions, social connections and engagement… the list goes on.

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