Category Archive for ‘logistics marketing’

Don’t Be A Wimp: Boldly Promote Your Logistics Business

Coming home from a recent business trip, I was waiting on my flight back to Connecticut and stopped to get some food to take on the plane. My thinking: I’d be travelling through dinner and wouldn’t get home until around 8:30 pm, when it was too late to eat, so why not grab a bite now (Yes, I ate again when I got home).

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To win in logistics marketing, lose the fear

I like nature in the raw.  Seeing and experiencing unexplored places.

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Is Logistics Art?

I read a quote the other day from marketing pundit Seth Godin:  “Don’t find customers for products, build products for customers.”

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Marketing Logistics Services the Pinball Machine Way

In my younger days, I spent many a night in a particular Irish tavern in the Bronx, NY.

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Marketing Logistics Services: Heed Your “Parent” Voice

Conformity is a powerful force. Nowhere is it more powerful than middle school and high school.

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Logistics Sales: Why It Pays to Be a D#ck to Your Prospects

In his wonderful blog post about “being a d#ck to everyone he meets,” Marc Ensign talks about a helpful neighbor, Dick, who eased his family’s transition, after a long-distaLogistics sales is about helpingnce move, into a new neighborhood.

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